We all have a money story. It’s the little voice in your head, that tells you what you think about money and wealth. Often, we’re not aware of it. It’s formed from things we’ve heard, read or been told about money – and by the way our parents acted, when we were small. Our money […]

When is a bargain NOT a bargain?
We all love getting a bargain! Even when you’re making good money, feeling like you’re getting a good deal can give you a massive emotional boost (money is a very emotional thing). But here’s the thing…sometimes, a bargain is really NOT a bargain! No-one pays £3+ for Pringles. They’re not really ‘half price’ – it’s […]

How to talk to your kids about money (the RIGHT way!)
Right now, there’s pretty much NO financial education in schools (and although there are campaigns to try and change this, it’s not likely to happen overnight). So if you want your children to have a good experience with money… It’s going to be up to YOU to teach them. But how? Where to start? Especially […]

Building your first £Million: Beginners Guide to Investing!
Who else wishes you’d invested in Zoom shares, before the Covid19 lockdown hit?!
And imagine if you’d got in when everyone thought Facebook was just a fad. You’d be drinking margaritas from your Caribbean beach house right now.
After all, David Choe chose to take shares instead of cash for painting the walls of Facebook’s first office in 2005. Now those shares are worth $200 million.

Want more money? Why it takes MORE than just mindset!
Let’s be honest. We all want more money in our lives!
Not for the actual cash itself – but for the opportunities and freedom that having money brings.
There’s no rule that says you can’t make great money AND help people.
When you have more, you can do more. You can invest in yourself and your business, make more impact and help more people.

Can you afford to have a baby? The hidden cost!
You’re going to need to take some time off. And let’s be honest – it’d be nice to actually spend some time with your little one (or you’d have got a cat instead).
There’s NO maternity leave for business owners.

Worried about money? How to feel calm, in times of business turmoil!
Many of us have pivoted, started working in new ways, introduced new services – or taken your business in a completely different direction – just to make it through the last few months.
So I’m coming at this now from a slightly different angle…what’s helped people keep calm about their money in this time of turmoil.

Your vision board… #4 steps to find the money, to make it happen!
HOW to find the money, to build your dream!

What kind of Buy to Let mortgage can I get right now?
After placing hundreds of mortgages for UK business owners, over the last 12 years – in this week’s blog, I’ll share everything you need to know!

Coronavirus. Money. And the people NO-ONE is talking about…
Most conversations right now are about who’s entitled to what, in the coronavirus government bailout. But there are people who remain hidden and unmentioned. Unless you’re one of them…

3 Ways to Improve your Financial Wellbeing (that don’t cost any money)
When you can’t face more Netflix and you’ve decluttered every cupboard in the house…how about spending some time, to truly feel on top of your finances?

The ISA Deadline’s Coming… How to Make Your Money Work Harder!
Are you using your ISA allowance? Most people don’t. Which really IS missing a trick!

5 Tips to Get a Mortgage as a Business Owner!
Getting a mortgage when you’re a business owner is really hard. Right? Well – no!

Leaving your job, to start your own business? Don’t lose these perks!
Being an employee comes with perks, that are easy to overlook when you’re so focused on starting your own business.

So you’re engaged. Have you talked about money?
I’m sure you’ve talked about your hopes and dreams. The important stuff, like where you’ll live and work. Whether you might want kids or a dog. But have you talked about money?

The modern way to deal with debt & get on with your life!
This blog is about the modern way to deal with your debt and get on with your life.

10 things you didn’t know you could claim on your tax return…
If you want to make sure you’re not paying a penny more in tax than you have to…read on. Because we’re talking 10 things you might never have thought about claiming before!

Christmas. Time off = less money? This will help!
Here’s a couple of easy things you can do, to avoid a financial drought. And not end up stressing about anything other than burning the turkey or your mother-in-law coming to stay!

Want to book a holiday…and wondering HOW to pay for it?
There are a few options. So in today’s blog, we’ll run through all of the pros and cons, to find the best choice for you!

Money pots. The simple way to ALWAYS have enough!
Time is all about priorities. You can ONLY spend it once. And it’s the same with money.
So if you ever feel like money seems to slip through your fingers and there’s never quite enough, to do all the things you want – this week’s blog will help!
We’re talking money pots.