Want more money? Why it takes MORE than just mindset!

Let’s be honest. We all want more money in our lives!

Not for the actual cash itself – but for the opportunities and freedom that having money brings.

There’s no rule that says you can’t make great money AND help people.

When you have more, you can do more. You can invest in yourself and your business, make more impact and help more people.

There’s no rule that says having money makes you a bad / greedy / selfish / stuck-up person.

But our money mindset can seriously get in our way.

By money mindset – I simply mean how you think and feel about money, and all your underlying beliefs.  

Which are usually deeply rooted in what we heard and saw about money, when we were growing up (like your Dad sneering at the guy in the fast car. Or your Mum’s constant refrain that “money doesn’t grow on trees”, every time you asked for something).

And once you’ve worked on that…you throw the doors wide open, for abundance and prosperity to flow into your life.

Now – I’m not one of those woo woo people (honest).

But I DO believe that positive people are likely to do better in life. Because they tend to attract the right people, that can support them on their journey.

They’re also more likely to spot opportunities that move them towards their goals and dreams. Because they have a clear picture of what they really want in life (click here to see my recent blog about vision boards!).  

BUT when you’ve gone to the effort of working on your money mindset – and deciding what you want, with a plan to get there – what you DON’T want is to get derailed by life.

I’m a great believer in having different pots of money for different purposes.

But there’s no point having a ‘dream fund’ and squirreling money away each month, if you’re then forced to dip into it every time your car needs a new exhaust, your fridge gives up the ghost or your client doesn’t pay an invoice on time (again).

You need to get the basics sorted too.

Because there is NOTHING that zaps your money mindset faster, than having to dip into your savings pot and seeing it crash back down towards zero.

You need to make 100% sure that your plan covers the ‘what ifs’.

AND that you build up your emergency fund alongside your dream fund – instead of feeling like your sacrificing your dream, every time something unexpected comes up (which it always will!).

But I know it’s not always easy, figuring out what to do for the best.

Which is why I’ve created a series of 4 x Financial Confidence workshops – giving you the exact strategies and professional tips, to feel completely in control of your money!

Right now, you can access them ALL for just £37:


  • The 2 numbers you really need to know
  • Which bills do you prioritise if you can’t pay them all
  • Finding money quickly
  • What you should NEVER do


  • Organising your money for success
  • Know your numbers – what makes you smile?
  • Lifestyle habits for amazing money confidence
  • Stabilising your income


  • Does your family inherit your debt when you die?
  • Why you may not need life cover at all
  • Preventing a paperwork headache for those you leave behind
  • Leaving your family a legacy


  • How you can work out what that new pair of shoes really costs
  • 2 key strategies for avoiding impulse purchases
  • Financial Priorities – how to set, and what to choose


Honestly? Helping women achieve true financial confidence really IS my thing!

  • I’m a fully qualified Financial Adviser, with over 12 years’ industry experience
  • I’ve been trusted with over £3.2million of my clients’ money to invest
  • I’ve helped over 600 clients buy their home, protect their family (or both)

I’ve gone from being an employee – having to go food shopping with a £2.50 Sainsbury’s voucher – to running a six-figure business, with a team supporting me

AND I bought my dream home 2 years ago. As I write this, I’m sitting in my bespoke office, watching my 7 alpacas grazing peacefully in the garden.

All because I got my money organised – with the RIGHT systems in place, that work for me, my business and my family.

So if you’re ready step up and do the same…

Get the 4 x Financial Confidence workshops here now, for just £37!

Until next time,


There are TWO main ways to work with me right now

Pathway-your route to a fun-filled & secure retirement

A 6 month 1-2-1 / group hybrid experience combining supported self-study with ongoing support and accountability to take action and move towards your goals.

Designed for people who prefer a little more hand-holding and are keen to build a fun-filled and secure retirement


The Wealth Action Club

Join us to take ACTION on your wealth stuff in a fun & vibrant accountability-based membership, with no long tie-in.

Join me for regular small group Q&A and a place to ask your everyday money questions where you KNOW you'll get easy to follow, sensible strategies from an EXPERT that you trust.