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Permission To ENJOY Your Wealth This Christmas!🎄🎄🎄 Do you worry that people will think you’re showing off, because you’ve bought more expensive presents? 🌟Earning good money truly IS something to celebrate. There’s nothing nasty or dirty or shameful about being successful, creating wealth in your life and having money to spend on the people you love…and on yourself! It is, of course, wonderful to have friends who you’ve known since school and from days gone by. They can be some of the best, most fulfilling friendships. But there’s also incredible power in surrounding yourself with people who ‘get’ what it means to be growing an online business, who understand what a successful launch looks like (and when it doesn’t go to plan) and who can give you that next level of support and encouragement, that you just don’t get when you’re sitting at your laptop on your own. To read more of my latest blog..

We’ve all got that picture of our dream life – that vision of where it is we want to be, and how we’d love for our life to look. Maybe (like me) you’ve got a vision board above your desk, filled with pictures of the things you’re working to create. So what are the main things we need to consider, so that we can work out what needs to happen next, on the journey to getting to where you REALLY want to be? If you're thinking about how to best track your progress and feel good about those milestones read my blog below 👇

It's not just you! We all get overwhelmed by life admin, working on our mindset is really important so we don’t end up in burnout. - Keep ‘to-do’ lists small – start with small steps. - Think about how you will feel when the task is completed! - Be kinder to yourself – it will reduce stress which makes you likely to see tasks as threats rather than challenges.

What do you need in your Will if you are a business owner? Does it need to be different? What about if you're getting divorced? Is your Will still valid? What happens if your ex was an executor or beneficiary - should you make a new Will?? Read more in my free pdf guide here >>

When you realise that you need to get some help in your business, the first step is to be clear about exactly what sort of help or support you need right now. You’ve got loads of experts on your radar, whose content you love and each of them will have a particular thing they’re good at. So who should you go with? Watch todays video here >>

Profit First is an AMAZING book if you want to turn your business from a cash-eating monster into a money making machine - BUT it can be a bit complicated to read... So I've simplified it and shown you how to IMPLEMENT what you learn in this incredible FREE guide, which you can download straight to your INBOX So go on, check out my updated guide to this powerful business book 🤓📖🤓 link in comments

Acuity is a really flexible way of managing my calendar. I have it integrated with my website so clients can book in directly or I can send over booking links with the appointment they need. You can tell it that you’d like a break between appointments or that you’ll be unavailable during certain times – great for making sure you get five minutes to pop to the loo or can do the school run! 🗓🗓🗓🗓

It was lovely to work with Yve and I'm so pleased I could help her get the new home she wanted 😊

Today I want to chat about how to stop spending getting out of control, because birthdays are – of course – a time for presents. The trouble is that now you’re earning so much more than you were, it’s easy to end up spending so much more money on ‘stuff’. And then you get to the end of the month or year and wonder where it’s all gone, with nothing much to really show for all your hard work. The truth is that budgeting actually gives you MORE freedom, rather than less – because you’re managing your finances in a way that means the money is there to do and have MORE of what you truly want in life, rather than just spending it randomly. For more info check out my Blog here 👇👇 -OR drop me a DM on how I could help you structure your budgeting and come up with effective strategies to achieve your financial goals.


Airbnb is the hottest trend, but is it the best way to make money? Discover the truth in our latest blog! Comparing Airbnb with long-term rentals to help you make an informed decision! Check it out now!

This is why I am passionate about what I do- financial education is something that in previous generations wasn’t taught and it seems like it is still something that is only very slowly being introduced in our kids’ schools. Let’s be negative cycle breakers by getting the right advice on how to manage our finances now so our kids don’t have to struggle in the future.


Ready to transform your sales strategy and bring in more cash? Join me for ‘Peakes Pay Day Party’ on July 15-16! 🚀 What can you expect? 🛠️ Interactive Mini Workshops: Learn new skills directly applicable to your business. 💡 Actionable Business Takeaways: Get advice you can immediately use to boost your revenue. 📈 Personal Growth: Grow both personally and professionally. 🎁 Win Amazing Prizes: Free tickets to PeakeFest & more! ✨ It’s ALL FREE! Secure your spot NOW and make 2024 your best year yet! SIGN-UP TO JOIN US HERE -

Your WILL is NOT still valid when you get married... unless you've had it prepared with your marriage in mind... which can mean that you end up with your estate not being distributed as you'd want. This guide tells you all you need to know, to make sure that your kids from your first marriage still get what you'd want them to, and that the IHT planning that you've done is held in place after you are gone. Read more in my free pdf guide here >>

Let me tell you about the things that make my office run more smoothly... When the pandemic hit, suddenly having all my staff thrown into being work from home could have been a disaster but we found Trello – it allows us to keep track of our clients journey and organise who is doing what so nothing gets missed, down to a regular reminder to order more printer paper! It’s a snazzy, virtual version of our previous notice board and sticky notes system – it is now a permanent feature in our day-to-day task management, and we’ll never go back! 😇🙌 If this is something that could help your life and business - here is the link below 👇

There are TWO main ways to work with me right now

Pathway-your route to a fun-filled & secure retirement

A 6 month 1-2-1 / group hybrid experience combining supported self-study with ongoing support and accountability to take action and move towards your goals.

Designed for people who prefer a little more hand-holding and are keen to build a fun-filled and secure retirement


The Wealth Action Club

Join us to take ACTION on your wealth stuff in a fun & vibrant accountability-based membership, with no long tie-in.

Join me for regular small group Q&A and a place to ask your everyday money questions where you KNOW you'll get easy to follow, sensible strategies from an EXPERT that you trust.