Get bespoke 1:1 support, to take complete control of your money!

Sometimes, you just need that personal support, to figure everything out.

We’re often super focused and organised in our businesses and working lives. But not so much when it comes to our own money stuff!

And that’s where 1:1 Money Coaching comes in.


It’s completely bespoke to you. We’ll look at exactly where you are right now and what you have in place.

We’ll talk through your ambitions and your goals – what you want and how you want your future to look (whether that’s retiring to Hawaii, buying your dream home or taking the family to Disney).

If you want, we’ll look at the business side too – simple ways to improve your cashflow and making sure you’re future-proofed, if things change (which I know we think they won’t – but you need to be protected, just in case!).

And then we’ll make a clear plan.
So you know exactly how to get from where you are now, to where you want to be.

We’ll cover everything, from setting up money pots and managing your income right now, to saving enough for the future and the big things you want.

Allowing you to grow your wealth and create a suite of wealth generating assets which will provide lasting wealth for you and your family for generations to come.

Wills, pensions, investments, insurances... not always sexy, but we’ll talk about your options so you’re clear which does what and what to do next.

And we'll talk about how to set these up to get the money in the hands of the right people at the right time, with the minimum amount of tax payable.

There’s several different ways that we can work together 1-2-1 which range from stand-alone Asset Mastery™ VIP days, to longer programmes (including my signature Asset Mastery programme –The Asset Accelerator™) depending on the type of support you need and the way that you prefer to work.

Feel free to send me a message if you’d like to chat about which of my current offerings would be the best option for you.

All to make your money work harder for you,
so you feel completely confident and in control!

Book a Discovery Call now

If you've got questions or want to chat to me about working  together 1-2-1, please book a call here.

Let's get started!

For those who don't need the introductory call and just want to get down to business.

Why work with me?

I’m an award-winning Financial Advisor and Money Coach, featured in The Telegraph, Moneywise and Sheerluxe (and I’m a regular guest on BBC Radio Kent, as an expert in my field).

I’ve gone from being an employee with an empty bank account, to building a successful 6-figure business, with complete flexibility around my family.

But more importantly – I can’t stand jargon. My straight-talking approach is very real-world. Business and life are never linear or perfect (in my experience, anyway!).

And this is not about squirrelling 10% of your income away, for a rainy day that might never come.

I want to help you pay for that big thing you want, while still going on holiday and drinking gin along the way.


If you feel any guilt or shame around money – like somehow you should be better at it, or you should be setting a better example for your kids – I want to help you make informed decisions with confidence (like you do in every other aspect of your life).

If you’re making good money, but it stills feels like there’s never enough left each month - I want to show you how to put simple things in place, so the money’s always there when you need it.

And I want you to have the freedom to choose when you work; where you go and what you do. Which all comes with getting your money sorted!

If you’re ready to take the next step, just book a call in my diary now.

We’ll talk everything through and go from there!

Book a Discovery Call now

Schedule a free introductory call with Claire to apply for 1:1 Coaching.