What people DON’T see behind the picture-perfect posts is the personal financial turmoil; the constant battle; the feeling of never quite being in control. Like that serene-looking swan gliding smoothly across the water, with frantic feet kicking furiously beneath the surface, keeping it afloat.

Retirement Planning? You CANNOT Rely On Other People… It’s Time To Take Control!
Any retirement advice you get will tell you that the earlier you start planning your retirement, the better. Even if you’re in your 40s and having absolutely nothing place, it’s definitely not too late – because the sooner you start, the longer your money has to grow.

Planning Your Retirement… And Why The State Pension Going Up Might NOT Be Such A Good Thing!
Ok, ok… I know that planning your retirement might not exactly be top of your to-do list today! But for loads of us, it’s definitely one of those things that niggles away at the back of your brain. We all know the importance of financial planning for retirement, even if you haven’t got around to it yet.

3 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Tax Bill!
If you want to reduce your tax bill this tax return time, read on. Because today I’ve got some really easy ways to cut the amount of tax you’ll need to pay, which are SO important to know when you’re a business owner!

Think You Can’t Afford To Pay Into A Pension… But You Can’t Afford NOT To!
Many people think that they Can’t Afford To Pay Into A Pension… this is why they MUST…

Is 45 Too Late To Bother Paying Into A Pension?
Is it even worth setting up a pension when you’re 45? Well… yes. Today I want to share 3 reasons why setting up a pension in your 40s is still a good idea, even if you’re starting from zero!

How Much Do YOU Actually Need To Retire?
Because let’s face it, even if you really love what you do, you’re still going to want to take things a little bit easier at some point. It might not look like retirement in the traditional sense – where you completely stop working one day and that’s it – but having a pot of money for your later years is something I think most people aspire to.

Money… You Can’t Harvest The Crop You Don’t Sow!
There’s an old saying, attributed to Confucius (I think): When is the best time to plant a tree?
Well, the best time was 10 years ago. The second best time is now.

Perpetual Income. What Is It? And How To Create It For YOUR Future!
It’s just SO important to focus on creating perpetual income now, if we want to make sure that we can live our retirement years in the level of comfort that we want and expect.

Waiting For Someone To Die Is NOT A Credible Retirement Strategy!
Some people might think it’s cruel or unfair, talking about people dying, or that I’m being deliberately provocative.
But it’s something that I feel NEEDS to be talked about, openly and honestly, because of something I’m seeing time and time again with clients that I meet.

How To Make Money Feel EXCITING… Instead Of Risky Or Stressful!
How you feel about money affects everything – how you earn, how you spend and how you save.

3 Easy Ways To Boost Your Profit!
Profit is the metric that really matters in your business. It doesn’t matter how many sales are coming in the top end – if you’re spending money as fast as it’s coming in, there’s no profit left at the bottom.

Theoretical Profit… Taking Control Of What You’re REALLY Earning!
What are you really earning?
I ran a workshop the other week, all about profit in your business. And I covered something that actually seemed pretty groundbreaking to a lot of the business owners who joined us!
Let me explain…

I Will Never ‘Out’ You… Don’t Let FEAR Stop You Getting Help With Your Finances!
I know one of the big things that puts people off getting help with their money and wealth-building, is the thought of having to share their financial stuff with someone else.
So I want to be totally straight with you here…

How To Feel GOOD About Money… Even When Your Bank Account Looks Empty!
The first thing is to make sure you are thinking about your business money as separate from your own personal money.

Is £50k A Good Salary From Your Business? (+ Important Child Benefit Changes!)
Is this £50k threshold an arbitrary figure we’ve come up with? Why DO so many business owners seem to be hooked on it?

Are YOU Stuck In The Online Bubble?
When you run a business that’s mainly in the online world, it’s so easy to lose touch with what’s going on when we (finally!) unplug ourselves from the internet.

Financial Adviser. Money Coach. Wealth Strategist … How To KNOW The Difference + Make The RIGHT Choice For You!
Financial Adviser. Money Coach. Wealth Strategist… I mean really, does it matter what we call ourselves these days?

Interest Rates Have Gone UP… Is It Still Worth Paying Off Your Mortgage?
A while ago, I wrote a blog where I said that paying off your mortgage was literally the last thing you should do.
But things have changed.

The ESSENTIAL Questions to Ask Your Accountant, To Grow Your Business This Year!
There’s definitely a misconception that all accountants do is fill out tax returns and it’s true that when you start in business, it may well be all you need them to do. Plenty of people complete their own tax return, without using an accountant at all.