Let’s talk spending money. How do you want to FEEL?

What do you enjoy spending money on?

What would you love to spend MORE money on?

Some things make you feel special. And for me, those are the things that are worth spending that little bit extra on.  

I remember the first time I came across premium skincare products.

I was staying with my aunt and uncle – this is back when I was at uni – and asked to borrow some eye makeup remover. I always just bought whatever was on offer at Boots.

But this was different. It made me FEEL different.

I’d never tried a premium brand before, but that feeling of moving this soft cream across my face was just amazing. Ever since then, I’ve always aimed to use good quality stuff on my skin.

People are often surprised when they learn how old I am (without wishing to sound smug!) and maybe that’s why my skin still looks pretty youthful.

I think it’s worth spending the extra on luxury skincare and cosmetics. Because they make me feel good.

And yes, of course you could buy the cheaper option. But if it makes you FEEL good and you can afford it…why would you?!

To be clear – there are some things I DON’T bother spending loads of money on. Like I’m not going to spend £4 on a bottle of Listerine mouthwash, when a 99p bottle from Sainsbury’s will do just as good a job (and makes me feel the exact same way about my mouth).

But over the years, I’ve upgraded bit by bit to nicer shampoo; nicer skincare; nicer foundation and makeup. It means I worry less about taking it off meticulously at night, because it’s not full of chemical nasties that will wreck my skin. But more than that – it smells nice.

It feels good. Using nicer skincare and makeup feels luxurious and makes me feel special.

Now I’m NOT saying it’s about cosmetics or skin care for you!

Maybe that’s not the thing that makes you feel good.

Maybe for you, it’s upgrading to valet parking at the airport – so you don’t have to lug your suitcase on and off a bus, to the long stay car park.

Maybe it’s shopping in a premium supermarket, rather than Aldi or Lidl (which let’s be honest, are brilliant value but probably don’t make you feel abundant!).

My point here is that it’s not about the ‘stuff’ – it’s about how the stuff makes you FEEL.

I’ve been re-listening to a book on Audible, by Danielle LaPorte.

She says that what we’re seeking is a way of feeling. That’s what drives us to do what we do.

The book guides you through a series of exercises (almost like self-coaching), to help you get clear on your ‘core desired feelings’.

It’s all about flipping your goals on their head – setting them based on how you want to FEEL, rather than focusing on what you want to have or achieve.

Like if you’re striving to build a multi-6 figure business; leave your corporate job; buy the car or house or holiday…

If you dig really deep, WHY do you want those things? Will achieving them make you feel the way you actually WANT to feel?

I like to feel luxurious.

I’m not one of those Financial Advisors or Money Coaches who’s going to say you should be scrimping and saving or trying to live on a tiny frugal budget.

BUT I think it’s really important to prioritise what you want to spend your money on.

Want to spend £500 a month on eating out – because it makes you feel abundant? Because you love that social time, more than anything else? Go for it!  

But it means you’ll have less to spend on other stuff (whether that’s now or paying into your investment pots or pensions for the future).

So we NEED to make sure our financial priorities are in the right place.

When I think of my vision board, I’ve got a mental image of myself sitting under the tree in the garden, reading a book.

It’s not about actually reading the book. I can read whenever I want – I’ve ploughed through books since I was a kid! – but the idea of sitting out relaxing, having NOTHING to worry about.

Knowing the money’s still coming in and the bills are paid. That I can spend my time however I want, without having to stress and worry.

It goes back to that ‘core desired feeling’ of being calm and confident, knowing that everything is in place.

If you fancy a read – the book is called ‘The Desire Map Experience’ by Danielle LaPorte.

HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN CHECK IT OUT NOW (I’m an Amazon Associate, which means I get a small commission if you use this link – but genuinely, it’s one of the best books I’ve listened to in a LONG time!).

So in summary – it’s about taking some time out, to think about what you want to achieve with your money (and not just what you want to buy).

How do you want to feel? Confident in your own skin? Secure? Respected? Luxurious? Abundant?

Or something else entirely?

Have fun!

Until next time,


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