There are some really good reasons why those little scented marvels end up in your luggage, but also a couple which may be un-consciously scuppering your wealth journey… so let me tell you how to work out which route you’re on.

YOU can set your kids up as millionaires for less than the price of 2 weeks in Mexico!
The thing about growing your wealth is that you need to have TIME for your money to grow. (Those flash in the pan get rich quick schemes are best avoided!) And of course, you can invest a pot of money for your own future dreams too… or have more than one pot, each with a different objective.

Ever wish you were size 8 with £1million in the bank?!
Health and wealth are so very similar (which is why I often compare them in my blogs and posts!).

George Clooney and a Jar Of Chocolate Spread…
George Clooney and a jar of chocolate spread…
Just me?!
Well – do keep reading. Because today, I want to talk about why this is actually relevant to YOUR life, YOUR dreams and YOUR big goals!

Where Your Focus Goes, Your Money Grows…Time To Get INTENTIONAL!
We’re talking today about giving each £ a purpose and using your money intentionally. So you can achieve the things you want in your life, like saving for the future or planning for some big dream!

Why I Wrote The Book On Money
(+ Why You NEED To Read It!)
There are tons of finance books out there. Big ones; small ones and everything in between.
I personally know at least 3 other Financial Advisers who’ve got published works to their name.
So why did I write a book? What was the point?

What Money Stuff Have YOU Been Putting Off? {It’s time to get it DONE!}
How many things do we put off? Because we know they’re important…but they just never seem to feel urgent?
Take last month, for example. At the time of writing this, a couple of weeks ago it was tax return time (dreaded in the minds of so many!).
How many people do you know who decided to submit their tax return on the January 31st? Who left doing anything about it until the very last minute?

#3 Ways to Build Wealth in 2022!
What I’m talking about are your goals for this year. The things you REALLY want to achieve.
They might be business goals; they might be personal goals or most likely, a combination of both.
But as business owners and entrepreneurs, we all need to have a clear idea of where we’re heading. After all, you wouldn’t get on a bus that didn’t have the destination printed on the front of it.

Making more BUT spending more too? You need a PLAN!
When your business starts making money, most people (understandably) go through a phase of splashing the cash. A new phone; upgrading your laptop; investing in a better webcam or microphone for your videos; subscriptions for more tech or the latest software that pings up in your feed and promises to make your life easier.

If your family don’t ‘get’ what you do…READ THIS!
It’s Christmas…which means it’s time to face the family!
Most of us have family we don’t see that often (especially over the last couple of years).
Every year, you sit there trying to make polite conversation with these people you grew up with. You love them. You care about them.
But what if you feel like you have nothing in common anymore?!

Are you ending this year where you REALLY want to be?
Did you want a Waitrose Christmas this year?
Maybe you picked up their glossy festive brochure (that seems to appear in store earlier and earlier!). Or maybe you’d love all the pre-prepared trimmings or veggie centrepiece or fancy deserts from their adverts.
But somehow, you’re still ending up doing your Christmas food shopping at Tesco?
Wherever you shop, this is REALLY about whether you’re ending 2021 where you wanted to be.

If Sorting All Your Money Stuff Feels Totally Overwhelming…
The #1 reason people don’t tackle their financial stuff is a huge sense of overwhelm, when they look at the mountain of things they need to sort out.

Do This NOW…To Make 2022 The Year Your BIG Goals Happen!
NOW is the time to tidy up all your financial loose ends, so they don’t get away in the way of next year’s goals!

Do Your Prices End In £7 or £9? Why It’s NOT The Best Idea!
Have you ever wondered about all those prices that you see ending in 99p or £7?
And WHY we all do it?
Well – I don’t know anymore. I’ve had enough. And I’m taking a stand!

The BIG Questions To Ask Your Accountant!
Accountants have a wealth of knowledge and can be a hugely valuable part of your team, as the financial expert (or one of them ) within your business to help you actually make sense of your numbers.
But what if you don’t really understand what you’re meant to be asking them at all?

Do You Know Your Profit? The Numbers You Should REALLY Be Tracking!
If you spend any time on social media, you’ll see business owners talking about how much money they’re making. But what figure are they actually talking about? And are they talking about it in pounds or dollars? Because that can make a massive difference.

Money Habits…Because Your Plans & Dreams WON’T Happen On Their Own!
So today we’re talking financial habits. Because you don’t need a special date or a new year’s resolution to make a change. You can decide TODAY to do something different that will make your world better, help you feel confident in your finances and in control when you think about your money.

The 6-Figure Myth! And why it NEVER feels enough…
There’s a big difference between being a money-making woman and a wealthy woman.

Win The Lottery & Live Off The Interest? Not Any More (+ What It Means For YOUR Savings!)
When I was a kid, my mum always said that if she won the lottery, she’d put the £1million in the bank and live off the interest.

A Simple Guide To Assets…How To Build Lasting Wealth, Starting NOW!
In today’s blog, we’re going to make it all crystal clear! You’ll discover:
1. What an asset actually is;
2. Examples of common assets;
3. How to choose the right assets for you;
4. And how to calculate your net worth (and why).