
Who Should You Trust With Your Money? Getting Started With Investing!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had years of people telling you that the ‘state pension won’t be worth anything by the time I get it’.

And you may well have ended up with a distrust of corporations, thanks to your parent’s horror stories about endowments and pension schemes that didn’t perform as promised.

This is the REAL problem.


The FIRE movement. Save now; retire at 40…or is there a better way?

In today’s blog, we’re exploring all the pros and cons so you can decide if you want to join this ever-growing FIRE movement. Or if there’s another way that would be a better fit for your life!

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How much money does your business REALLY need to be making?

I know it can feel hard to get on top of this stuff. So in today’s blog, I’m going to explain the #3 simple steps to work out how much you need (and want) to draw from your business – AND how much your business needs to bring in each month, for that to happen!


Here’s The Crucial Numbers You REALLY Want To Be Tracking!

Having a visual reminder can be a brilliant way of knowing you’re making progress. It’s why you see those barometers on the side of church halls, when they’re raising money for a new roof. And every so often a guy goes up the ladder and colours the next bit in.


The Truth About Making MORE Money!

The truth is it’s NOT about how much money you’re making…but how much you get to keep. So in today’s blog, we’re going to start making sure you’re looking at YOUR finances in the right way!


How to retire early…and AVOID clever pension scams!

When you’re brilliant at what you do and you love doing it, the traditional way of retiring just doesn’t hold the same appeal. I bet you can’t imagine yourself sitting in front of the TV, drawing a pension for the rest of your life? Me either!

And the great news is you don’t HAVE to.


A Quick Guide to Bitcoin!

If you feel like you don’t know enough to make an informed decision, about whether bitcoin is right for you…this week’s blog is REALLY going to help!


#3 Steps to Bring Your Dream Into Reality!

Today, I want to chat about 3 simple steps you can use to bring whatever you want within reach!


The Simplest Way to Grow Your Net Worth!

There’s a well-known saying that ‘what you focus on will increase’.
And it’s never more true, than when it comes to money.
But it’s also really easy to focus on the wrong things!
So which numbers SHOULD you focus on? What should you actually be looking for?


Sorting out your finances? Just take one small step…

What if you’d started 10 years ago?
There’s that saying: “The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. The second best time is now”.
I mean, do you want to look back 10 years from now, and wonder where all the money went?


Feel like you’re faking it? Here’s what to do instead!

If the whole financial thing feels totally overwhelming – and you just don’t know what to start – you’re NOT alone.


Why New Year’s resolutions fail (and what to do instead)

I think more often than not, we’re doomed to fail. Because there’s all that hype about doing something new, doing something special, that this will be the year you actually achieve something.
But it just doesn’t work, does it?!
In so many ways, you are SO much better just to pick what you want to do and get on with it, when the time is right for you.


Don’t just make money. Keep it (and grow it!)

Once you are making money, it’s about having a plan to create assets and growth – tangible things to show for all your hard work.
And it’s about using that money to do all the things you want to do, and to feel the way you want to feel.


Best year in business? #7 smart things to do with your profits!

Congratulations! It’s been an amazing year for you, hasn’t it?!
You’ve had your best months ever in your business.
Your income is growing year on year, month on month and this last year has just been incredible.
BUT now you really need to get this cash organised! Because you can’t go into your next financial year with this money sitting there in your business, doing nothing.
So how do you strike the balance between what you take out as salary and dividends – and what you leave in your business account?


If you DON’T want to budget…do this instead!

Not a fan of budgeting?!
Confession time…I don’t do a budget planner anymore.
What I DO have is a system that means I can spend money, without needing to worry.


Want financial success? DON’T listen to Karen!

There’s been a lot of stuff online recently about internet Karens – basically those people who seem REALLY opinionated about something, but usually have no basis at all in what they’re saying.
And the advice being doled out so freely is clearly coming from a person with NO clue about what they’re actually saying.


Cash sitting in your business account? Here’s #5 things to do with it!

Maybe you’re a couple of years into your business and getting to that stage where you’re not spending every single penny you earn or having to borrow from friends and family.
Which is brilliant. But presents a different challenge!


Work; life; money and guilt…

Ever feel guilty for not working? Or about the way you choose to live your life or run your business? Over the last 12 months, I’ve lost count of the number of people who’ve commented on the fact that we don’t work on Fridays. Our office is only open Monday to Thursday. Half-joking comments like […]


Let’s talk spending money. How do you want to FEEL?

What do you enjoy spending money on? What would you love to spend MORE money on? Some things make you feel special. And for me, those are the things that are worth spending that little bit extra on.   I remember the first time I came across premium skincare products. I was staying with my […]


How to escape your corporate job (without sacrificing your lifestyle!)

A few weeks ago, my husband was asked to help his niece move up to Scotland. She lives near us, in Kent. Which is about as far from Scotland as you can get! And like most things, it seemed like a good idea at the time… A road trip for him and his sister. A […]