The 6-Figure Myth! And why it NEVER feels enough…

Do you feel wealthy right now?

Especially if your business is already making 6-figures and beyond?

There’s a big difference between being a money-making woman and a wealthy woman.

To embody the identity of a wealthy woman – whatever ‘wealth’ looks like for you – it’s NOT just about the money.

It’s how you feel about life.

Wealth is about freedom and flexibility and all the things you have, that make your life easier.

It’s being able to have a bigger impact in the world, because you have the freedom to do more, be more and have more.

That’s the point of wealth. It’s about how much money you KEEP and how much of an impact that has on your life and on other people.

The problem is that most business owners and entrepreneurs think that moving up the income levels will be the magic solution.

It’s the 6-figure myth.

They think that once they’re earning £3,000 a month, it’ll be alright. And then suddenly it needs to be £5,000 a month. And once they’re there, it’s £10,000 a month and it’ll be alright.

So many people have these nominal targets in their head, because they think that is the magic number.

And actually, it’s just not.

Maybe you’ve been there too, when you hit an income goal (like your first £5k or £10k month) but you didn’t feel the way you thought you would.

It doesn’t give you that feeling of security you want. You’re still missing out on time with your kids or to do the things you really want – working too many hours and trying to squeeze too many clients in – because you don’t want to take your foot off the gas.

At what point do you stop and enjoy life? And realise that you’ve got enough and that you’re actually content with what you have?

I don’t know about you but for me, embodying the identity of a wealthy woman is NOT feeling stressed out and frazzled all the time. It’s not constantly pushing and hustling for the next big launch or income goal (and then still not feeling amazing when you finally hit it).

I’ve got this picture on my vision board of me sitting under a tree, reading a book.

It’s not about reading a book under a tree…it’s about feeling calm and relaxed, knowing that the money is going to come in to pay the bills and enable me to live my life the way I choose.

It’s knowing everything’s organised, so I don’t need to be ‘on’ 24/7. Knowing that my business runs with a team of people behind the scenes, so I don’t have to be in there working every minute of every day.

That’s what wealth is. That’s what freedom is.

But that shift from making money to building wealth and feeling wealthy doesn’t happen by accident.

It’s a choice.

And just because you know how to make money, does NOT mean you know how to convert it into wealth (one thing they absolutely do not teach you at school!).

Wealth is enjoying an extraordinary standard of living that isn’t affected by the success of your next launch, allowing you to go on holiday every year and spend money treating those that you care about the most.

Wealth is having the flexibility you dreamed of when you left the corporate world – drawing a great income from your profitable business, whilst working part-time hours.

Wealth is building a supply of wealth-creating assets to provide another income stream that lasts for many years to come.

But I totally understand that making that shift from being a money-making woman to a wealthy woman might feel like a massive, daunting task.

Most of my clients don’t admit this until they’ve got to know me – but it’s a very real fear, having the secret chaos of your money stuff exposed. Like if someone were to pull on the loose ends, every appearance of your success would unravel.

So if you’re feeling that way too, you’re not alone (and I bet you’re not even half as bad as you might think, anyway!).

This is exactly why I’ve created Magnetic Wealth™  It’s a 6-month transformative wealth experience that will forever alter how you deal with your money…shifting you from dreaming of wealth to building it.

You’ll get private wealth-creation guidance, while being supported by other high-vibe entrepreneurs.

As well as a Wealth Immersion Retreat and ‘Women of Wealth’ training days, you’ll get 1:1 time with me; a carefully curated line up of Guest Experts; my ROCK solid™ programme to get all your financial foundations in place AND monthly training and co-working sessions, to actually implement your personal wealth plan.

You’ll make massive progress towards growing your wealth.

You’ll stop dreaming of wealth and start actually building it.

Just click here now for all the Magnetic Wealth™ details!

It’s not for everyone (in fact, it’s only for 10 handpicked women).

But if you’re ready to focus on building more wealth, rather than to keep focusing on making more money and still never feeling like it’s enough…

Do go check it out, would love to have you join us all inside!

Until next time,


There are TWO main ways to work with me right now

Pathway-your route to a fun-filled & secure retirement

A 6 month 1-2-1 / group hybrid experience combining supported self-study with ongoing support and accountability to take action and move towards your goals.

Designed for people who prefer a little more hand-holding and are keen to build a fun-filled and secure retirement


The Wealth Action Club

Join us to take ACTION on your wealth stuff in a fun & vibrant accountability-based membership, with no long tie-in.

Join me for regular small group Q&A and a place to ask your everyday money questions where you KNOW you'll get easy to follow, sensible strategies from an EXPERT that you trust.