I decided to close my membership at the end of last year.
If you’ve ever decided to walk away from part of your business too – that you know is super valuable for your clients and generates positive cashflow for you – you’ll know how tough a decision that can be!
My membership was called ‘Your Financial Friend’. It ran for 2 years and back when I first set it up, I had all these amazing ideas and a clear vision in my mind of what this wealth-building community would be.
I wanted to create something totally accessible for everyone, at a very affordable price point, that guided people through how to take complete control of their finances so they could seriously start to move forward on their financial journey. I wanted it to be entry level, very much starting at the start, and very much for everybody. And I was so excited about it!
So why I did then close it, just two years later?
I think the crux of it is that it was suitable for anyone.
And because it was such a low monthly investment – most of our members were paying just £18 to £36 a month for all the incredible teaching and resources inside – there was no real incentive or motivation for people to get on and take part.
Like if you invest £2000 a month in something, you’re pretty much guaranteed to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth, because the stakes are higher and you’ve got real skin in the game. But £18 a month? Not so much!
I’d wanted it to be a low enough investment that anyone could afford to join. And they did; lots of people saw the value in it and signed up. They understood that they’d get access to tons of powerful content, written by a financial expert, that would show them exactly what to do and so help them to take control and sort out all their money stuff.
Being part of the membership all stacked up logically and rationally, on a practical level – but they weren’t actually at the stage of their wealth journey where they were ready to take ACTION. And so they didn’t.
Months went by where I’d get emails pinging in with people whose payments had bounced and their £18 Direct Debit had been declined.
When I went into the platform to see what progress that member was making and saw that they hadn’t even logged into their membership site and all the content in months, and I wanted to scream at my laptop. “If you had just logged in and done the work, your £18 Direct Debit wouldn’t be bouncing. What is wrong with you?!”
But I didn’t, of course, because we’re calm and polite and we’re grown-ups.
So instead you send a nice message to your client (maybe you’ve been there too) saying it looks like there’s been a problem at your bank, your payment hasn’t gone through and our system will try processing it again tomorrow. And then you sit there and hope they take the hint and do something about it, so it doesn’t fail again on the second and third attempts.
Well, after running this membership for two years, I got increasingly despondent because so many of the people that were in there just weren’t taking action.
The thing is that with all the work that I’ve done in the finance field over the last 15 years, I know how much of a massive impact it has, when you get your money stuff in order. It quite literally changes your life – but only if you DO it. Just knowing the steps to take (or having access to that information) isn’t going to change anything.
I remember it so vividly, that flash of realisation that I just couldn’t do this anymore. I couldn’t keep banging my head against a brick wall with people who don’t want to take action.
And so in November last year, I closed the membership. As a thank you for being part of it, I let our existing members keep access to all the content, but I switched off all the monthly Direct Debits.
There was SO much amazing financial teaching and training inside though, I couldn’t stand the thought of it going to waste! Our members who had taken action has achieved some incredible results.
So we decided to make is all available as a Content Vault – a one-off payment that gets you access to a whole load of accurate financial information (rather than trawling through Google trying to figure it out), to take control of your money and grow your wealth. And actually start to take action on things like your pension and ISA and savings and investments and life insurance (basically all the things you’ve meaning to sort out for ages, in simple bite-size steps – get all the details here!).
But I really missed the idea of being able to support people who want to be action takers and build real wealth, but who aren’t ready to invest in one of my VIP 1:1 programmes. So what could I do? How could I do that?
And that’s where the idea for the Asset Accelerator was born!
It’s a natural follow-on for people who’ve worked with me 1:1 (through my programmes or an Asset Mastery Intensive Day), but it also works brilliantly if you’ve created your own plan – whether that’s on your own, with the support of a coach or financial adviser, or even through my Rock Solid™ self-study programme. And are now thinking “right, I’ve done that I’ve got a plan…I just need a bit of support to take action and make sure I do it!”
Because that’s exactly what the Asset Accelerator is all about. Taking action to sort out all your financial stuff and get the things in place you NEED, to both grow your wealth and feel totally organised and secure when it comes to your money.
Because it doesn’t matter what amazing ideas you have for your finances. It doesn’t matter if you want to be a self-made millionaire; to buy your dream home; to home school the kids while you travel the world for a year; to have the cottage by the sea; to travel first class; to be able to take your extended family away and easily pay for the whole trip; to have the wedding of your dreams; to experience real luxury and abundance in your life; to go completely off-grid and live in an self-built eco-hut in the woods…
If all they are is ideas or desires or ‘one day’ or ‘wouldn’t it be nice’ type things – but you don’t do anything about them – NOTHING is going to change.
You only live this life once and it’s happening now. And you’re honestly so much better to get started now – even in just a small way and taking a small step forward right now – than to leave it until you feel like it’s the “right time”. Because that could be weeks or months or years away, and you could very easily look back next year or 5 years from now and wonder what happened and where the time went.
So let me tell you a little bit more about the Asset Accelerator and how it can support you moving forward in your journey!
The Asset Accelerator isn’t just about making more money…it’s about HAVING more money. Building real wealth and feeling wealthy!
You’ll get a combination of high-level 1:1 and group sessions (which are completely private – no sharing of your financial information required) AND tailored financial training resources. All of which are specifically designed so you can get the tasks done that you need to tick off your list, to move confidently forward in your journey to growing your assets and your wealth.
You’ll get ongoing monthly support and accountability in a community of driven, ambitious women just like you, supporting you to carve out the dedicated time and space you NEED (amongst the million other plates you have spinning!) to keep taking action towards your financial goals.
And yes, of course you could try to do it by yourself and figure out all your financial stuff on your own. But quite honestly, it’s like anything in life. How much better would your diet be, if you had a personal chef? How much better would your fitness be, if you had a personal trainer? It’s exactly the same when it comes to money!
Just to be clear, you absolutely do not need to have been a 1:1 client of mine to take part in the Asset Accelerator. If you simply know you need guidance when it comes to wealth creation, this is for you.
If you’re NOT clear on your financial plan yet – so you can start putting everything in place – there’s the option of bolting on an extra 1:1 session at the start too. So we can sit down together and create your plan, that you can then start taking action on step by step, month after month. And when you join for 6 months, you get this Deep Dive 1:1 Wealth Building Strategy + Planning Session completely FREE!
Just click here for full details and to join The Asset Accelerator™ now.
Because really…what are you waiting for?
I know that’s a cliché but the simple truth is that the sooner you start, the sooner your money and your wealth will start to grow. And really, 12 months from now (let alone 10 years from now), you’ll be SO glad you did!
I can’t wait to welcome you inside,