Join The Content Vault

Ready to take control and sort your money, once and for all
– in the most cost-effective way?

The Content Vault has been created exactly for you!

If you’ve been putting it off or burying your head in the sand…you’ll discover the exact, practical next steps to take, to start sorting your money out.

We start by getting your financial basics in place (and if you feel like you just never have enough cash each month – this will really help).

For your business, you’ll work on simple changes to transform your cashflow.

You’ll learn how to plan for a secure future – the future you really want!

You’ll discover how to protect yourself, your family and your business, with this support to work out exactly what you do (and don’t) need in place.


All to feel completely in control and confident about your money... for just £100!


I want to feel completely in control and confident about my money

I know you’re busy, which is why it’s lifetime access and self study.

So you can take things at your own pace and revisit things as your situation changes.

Am I the right person to help?


My style is very straight-talking. I’m an award-winning Financial Advisor and Money Coach, featured in The Telegraph, Moneywise and Sheerluxe (and I’m a regular guest on BBC Radio Kent, as an expert in my field).

I’ve gone from being an employee with an empty bank account (seriously empty – scratching coins and vouchers together, to buy food for the week) to building a successful 6-figure business, with complete flexibility for my family.

So wherever you are financially right now, I get it! This isn’t fantasy-world, overwhelming or boring stuff – just real-life, practical steps you can take right now, to feel in control of your finances.

All in ONE place, with all the information you need from an experienced, qualified professional … for a one off fee!


I want to feel completely in control and confident about my money

You'll get:

  • Expert bite-sized money trainings
  • Simple-to-follow tools and worksheets
  • Expert video trainings...
  • All available 24/7 with LIFETIME access

And more, for just £100!

Giving you everything you need, to take control of your finances, once and for all.

(and allowing you to benefit from our existing customer discounts on further purchases and our affiliate programmes)

And if you’re still not sure if it’s right for you… here’s what our members say!

Elspeth Harris

After having followed Claire in her Facebook group for months and months, I jumped at the chance to also be part of her more client specific group at what is very good value for money. Claire has an ability to cut what can be heavy going at times into bite size chunks that are easily digestible. This way you can adopt one thing, get familiar with how it influences what you do from a financial point of view and then go on to the next. Finance becomes child play in a way I never thought it could.

Freelance Photographer

Claire has empowered me to feel confident about handling money, and preparing for mine and my families future. She explains things simply and I know if there is another money topic I’d like to know about she will slot in an extra training. The membership allows me access to guest experts who I wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford to work with and I’m so glad I chose to be founding member!

Freelance Writer and Blogger

I joined the membership to get more understanding and control over my finances so that I could start planning for the future.

The memberzone is easy to navigate and I love that I can pick and choose the modules that interest me and complete them in my own time, even asking questions though the confidential question portal if I need more help.

As a busy working mum it’s great that the masterclass trainings are recorded so I can watch at the time that suits me best, and it’s helped me start to feel more confident about the way I deal with my money.

Join Now

All in one place for a one off fee!