Well – I can’t quite believe I’m saying this.
But here we are, rapidly heading towards Christmas once again…I’m really not entirely sure where this year has gone!
I’m a hot weather kind of person, but I do love this time of year. Before you know it, we’ll be putting the clocks back and getting that chilly Autumn feeling, that just makes us want to snuggle under a blanket in front of the fire (probably with wine) and feel that lovely sense of cosiness.
But as the year draws to an end, it can also highlight those things on your list that you really meant to get done, but didn’t.
Because let’s face it, we all put things off.
And I do think that women tend to put stuff off more than men, because we often put everybody else’s priorities first!
The problem is that when it comes to your financial stuff, not getting it done does come at a cost, because you don’t feel relaxed about money. You’ve always got that little niggly stress in the back of your mind, that you really should get around to sorting out your Will or pension or life insurance or ISA (or whatever else is on your mental must-get-it-done list).
With money being such a taboo subject, it’s not always something we want to ask about.
Who would you ask, anyway? Who to trust? Who ‘gets’ the whole online business world, that could advise you properly? You might even have some element of guilt or shame over the things you haven’t done so far, especially if your money stuff feels like a bit of a mess.
The good news is that a) I get it (can you tell?!) and b) I’m here to help you move forward. No guilt, no shame, no judgement…just getting on and making progress, to get all of those things off your financial to-do list.
The quickest way to get it done is to book an Asset Mastery™ VIP Day, where you and I take a whole day out of our busy lives and busy businesses to sit down in an amazing venue and go through all of your financial bits.
We can look at budget planning; retirement planning; buying your dream home; paying off your mortgage; buying a rental property; writing your Will; amending your life cover since the kids came along; setting up your Stocks and Shares ISA…and a million other things.
Basically all of the things on your ‘get it done at some point’ list, that you know are super important to sort out but that you never seem to get around to!
To be very clear here – whatever your financial position is right now, I’m not here to judge you for what you have or haven’t done. I’m not here to judge you on how much money you make, how you choose to spend it or the reality behind the scenes, compared to the face you present to the world online. That’s not my way and you can ask any of my clients about that.
In fact, I’ve won awards for ‘Best Caring and Supportive Business’ (among others) but I’m particularly proud of this one, because it’s such an important part of what I do. Money stuff is incredibly personal, there can be so much emotion tied up with it all and I know it can feel a bit scary actually doing these things.
But you’ll feel SO much better when it’s done! Honestly, that feeling of taking control of your money just feels so good. And you can go into 2023 knowing you’ve got all your basics organised, with a clear plan to follow to get more ticked off your list over the months ahead, to keep building your wealth and creating that surprisingly empowering sense of financial security.
The other thing I really love about our Asset Mastery™ VIP Days, is that sense of connection you get from doing stuff in person.
We’re so lucky to live in a world with Zoom and Google Meet and all those hangout type places online. They definitely make meetings and calls easier, more efficient and of course, make it possible for us to build incredible online businesses. But the human connection? I really miss that too.
Which is why the VIP Days are you and me together, at an amazing venue close to where you live, so you haven’t got to travel for hours to get there. We chat. We work. We make plans. We have an amazing lunch (of course!).
And over the course of the day, we come up with a financial plan that feels right for YOU. You can ask all the questions you want and you pick my brains as much as you like. I will share with you everything you need to get things straight in your head, so you understand what choices you’ve got and can then take informed action, knowing you’re making the best possible decisions for you and your family.
No money topic is off limits.
We can talk about profit within your business; all your business numbers and how to organise things for success. We can talk about any and all aspects of your personal finances, or anything in between. I can show you how to save tax; how to have more money to spend from the money that you’re bringing in; help you crunch the numbers so you’re sure where your income will come from when you retire or want to work less.
The key thing is you can use the day however you like, to sort the things that are most important for you (and if you’re not sure what they are, we can figure that out together too!).
We’ll have fun, smile and laugh, but ultimately you’ll leave with a WHOLE load of financial stuff all done and sorted, so you can cross it off your list and feel so much better.
If you’re ready to get cracking, there’s just a couple of spots left this side of Christmas and we are now booking into 2023, which you can secure with a deposit. Just click here to message me personally on Facebook or click here find out more and book a call, to chat it all through!
Until next time,