I want to be a llama!

And so she swished her flowing locks… the star of the moment… posing for the camera…

No, not me, the llama! 

To be honest, I’ve never been one for the limelight –

“It’s not all about you, you know”

Maybe it was due to being an exuberant child, too much energy and the catch-all phrase of a parent, but early on I learned to contain my enthusiasm, and channelled my energy into my academic work. Quietly I ploughed through books, reading anything and everything at home, at the school library and at homes of family friends – you can find out so much from the books consigned to someone else’s spare room!

The thing is, I love learning. Yes, I am a real square! A sponge absorbing information, on such a wide range of topics that for years I’ve been the person to ask on matters ranging from health and family, though to science, religion, travel and finance. You see, for some reason I remember all this stuff (well, maybe not all, but a huge amount of it) and can recall it, even years later.

I still read loads, although hours with a torch under the duvet, or sat on the floor, tucked away up a remote aisle in the school library have now been replaced by the occasional paperback book and much online surfing, which often gets out of hand, as ‘5 minutes’ becomes my ever-expanding catch-all to the question ” how much longer will you be upstairs hunny?”

How does that help me?

Like most things in life, knowledge is not of much use unless you do something with it. And to be fair, I love sharing what I know and helping others to learn and develop themselves.

Some of my most rewarding career roles have involved the light-bulb moments of a graduate trainee having something explained in a way that they finally understand after years of confusion. I often have clients say that for the first time, they actually understand what they need to do next and why.

I’m quite partial to a TV quiz show and I’m a valuable team member in a pub quiz, but I must admit to having a slightly (ok mega) competitive streak, there’s no such thing as ‘second winner’ in my book. So having me on your team is probably the best option!

I’ve always liked exams (someone has to) – a chance to learn more and prove what I know to myself and the world – which is great considering the amount of continuing personal development (CPD) that I do each year to ensure that I’m up to date, compliant and can provide the best possible advice to my clients.

The Financial Services Diploma that I completed last year was probably the most taxing exam that I have been set and the hours of study and revision at times seemed never ending. It was a massive step up in my career and allows me to help so many more people understand their money and plan for their future than I could before.

This year I’ve been looking for more opportunities to share what I know and have started running training courses which will range from budget planning to wealth building and presentation skills – as well as continuing to see clients on a one to one basis.

What do you know that you could share to make the world a better place, or someone’s life easier?

Anyway, let’s talk about the llama…..over the hour or so that we were at Badger’s Hill Farm I saw our friendly llama eating, resting in the sunshine and strutting her stuff – a perfect work-life balance in my book!

For me it would be a combination of reading, eating cake and basking in the spring-time sunshine (simultaneously if possible) – what about you?

There are TWO main ways to work with me right now

Pathway-your route to a fun-filled & secure retirement

A 6 month 1-2-1 / group hybrid experience combining supported self-study with ongoing support and accountability to take action and move towards your goals.

Designed for people who prefer a little more hand-holding and are keen to build a fun-filled and secure retirement


The Wealth Action Club

Join us to take ACTION on your wealth stuff in a fun & vibrant accountability-based membership, with no long tie-in.

Join me for regular small group Q&A and a place to ask your everyday money questions where you KNOW you'll get easy to follow, sensible strategies from an EXPERT that you trust.