Retirement Snapshot Service

When you love what you do, it’s easy to think you’ll never stop working!
But this is all about having choices...


What do you want your retirement to look like? Filled with travel and adventure? A big home, to welcome all your family at Christmas? Spending winters somewhere hot?

A life that’s not dictated by what you can and can’t afford?

If you’re an optimist (especially when you have your own business), it’s easy to think that it’ll all come together in the end. Something will happen and it’ll all work out fine.

But the best way to have the future you want is to start planning for it NOW.

And that’s where the Retirement Snapshot Service comes in!


Get instant access to The Programme!

Here's how it works:

1. Access the online portal & follow the simple 3-step process.

Each step is easy to follow and takes less than 15 minutes to complete.

It’ll help me understand exactly what you have in place right now (however big or small) and the income you’ll need for your retirement – so I can create a bespoke plan for you to follow, to fill the gap.

Watch the videos, submit each step and you’re done!

2. Get your bespoke Retirement Snapshot Report.

I’ll crunch the numbers and do the maths. You’ll then get a personalised report with 7 days (complete with pretty graphs), showing you 3 different outcomes for your retirement and some easy-to-follow next steps.

3. Book your Retire Ready 1:1 Session with me.

We’ll then get together on Zoom, to talk through your results. Ask all the things you need to know – you’ll leave feeling super clear about exactly what to do next (and feeling excited for the future!).

All for a total investment of just £250…

Get instant access to the Retirement Snapshot Service

This is not Financial Advice - but will help you understand the choices you have, to create the lifestyle you want when you retire.

And then if you’d like some Regulated Advice, we can help with that too (and you’ll get a discount, as an existing client!)

What if I need help with the 3-step process?

Each step is designed to be super simple, with short videos to clearly walk you through the process. But if you do get stuck, our support team are always on hand to answer your questions!

How much time do I have, to complete the 3-steps?

As long as you need! You’ll get lifetime access to the portal. As soon as you’ve completed and submitted all 3 steps, we’ll start work on your report (and then get your Zoom session in the diary).

You need to book your zoom call within 6 weeks of starting the programme – to ensure that your information is still current for the calculations and projections that we create!

What if I need more help afterwards?

The programme ends once we’ve finished your Retire Ready 1:1 Session on Zoom.

If you’d like more help or Regulated Advice after that, we can help you figure out exactly what you need and book further appointments in the diary.


Ready to get started and create the future you REALLY want, for a one-off payment of just £250?

Join the Retirement Snapshot Service now!