I’m not really a know it all (honestly!) – but there are some things that I’m a specialist in.
I’m sure you’re the same, with things you’re an expert in too and that you do really well, day after day.
Funnily enough, I don’t know everything about everything. I mean, don’t ask me questions about sport. I’d never be any good in a pub quiz on that! But there are lots of other things I do have a really solid knowledge of, as I’m sure you do.
When it comes to finance and money coaching, there are lots of different ways that you can approach it. From my point of view – although I would describe myself as a Money Coach or Wealth Mentor or Wealth Strategist – the bulk of the work that I do is simply working out what you want; working out where you are now; working out HOW to get you there in the future by breaking it down into logical steps; and then supporting you to take action on that.
Simple, really. But way, way much harder to do by yourself.
The thing is that when we’re dealing with money, it’s not all about that. Because even with the best plans in place, it’s not always easy to follow through and take action (right?!).
You might not take action because you haven’t blocked out any time in your diary and business and life simply get in the way. This we can deal with – it’s one of the reasons we have the dedicated Implementation Sessions inside the Asset Accelerator™, to specifically carve out that time in your diary.
But what about the money mindset stuff?
It’s all over the internet, money mindset stuff, ranging from people who have just got an idea about it to people who are properly qualified with all sorts of letters after their name, all the way through to household names like Denise Duffield Thomas, who you may well have heard of too.
Your money mindset is incredibly important, because we’ve all got beliefs about money and we need to make sure they are the right ones, if we want to create and hold wealth.
Some of these beliefs are from our childhood and are things that we were consciously taught. Some of them are beliefs that we have subconsciously absorbed. But all of these are things that affect the people we are today and our relationship with money.
To be very clear, this is not about blaming everything on your childhood and your parents drilling into you that money is hard to come by; money doesn’t grow on trees; that rich people are to be sneered at (or the opposite may be true for you). Because ultimately as an adult, you’re responsible for moving forward in your own way. But this WILL affect how you deal with things.
We each look through a coloured lens, when it comes to our finances. It’s often the throwaway comments that are often most revealing, when I start working with new clients and talking about what they want – like “well I’d really love a big villa in the south of France, where all the family can come and stay, but that’s just not going to happen!”.
Well… why is that not going to happen, with a proper step-by-step financial plan in place? We’ll explore the reasons behind it all and see whether that belief is money mindset related.
But there comes a point where it’s time to call in the expert. I’ve worked on my own money mindset, and probably know a lot more about it than most people, but it’s not my zone of genius. Which is why I work with experts and bought an amazing Money Mindset Coach into the Asset Accelerator™ last month, to help my clients realise why they were putting the brakes on in some areas and enable them to move onto the next level in their business growth.
We also went deep into uncovering the things that are stopping them from relaxing and enjoying life now, rather than feeling like they need to hustle all the time. It was a seriously amazing session and means that my clients can now look at the plan we’ve created in a slightly different way, making any changes that now feel more aligned.
Ultimately, as a result of that session, some of the beliefs that stopped them from taking action have now been wiped away.
The real point here is that in life and business, we NEED to leverage other people’s expertise to get to where we want to be.
You’re brilliant at what you do. You have amazing results from your clients. But actually, I can’t do your job and you can’t do mine.
Having somebody who is an expert in the thing that you need help with can catapult your success and move you forward a lot more quickly and easily. It’s not just a shortcut to success, but might actually be the difference between succeeding and not getting there at all.
This is especially true when it comes to your finances, creating the life you really want and your money mindset. The truth is that if you believe deep-down that you shouldn’t have a whole load of money in savings – because that’s not what ‘nice’ people do – then you are going to be spending your money as quickly as it comes in.
Maybe not consciously, but you WILL see this pattern playing out and you won’t end up any better off, no matter how much you earn.
So by breaking that pattern and breaking that cycle, it can mean that quite rapidly, you start building up money in savings and freeing up money each month to invest, and that in itself is going to move you closer to your dream more quickly.
If you’d like to find out more about the Asset Accelerator™ and all the incredible additional support available, here’s the link with all the details or you can click here to message me for a chat.
I can’t wait to welcome you on board!
Until next time,