A while ago, I wrote a blog where I said that paying off your mortgage was literally the last thing you should do.
But things have changed.

Interest Rates Have Gone UP… Is It Still Worth Paying Off Your Mortgage?

The ESSENTIAL Questions to Ask Your Accountant, To Grow Your Business This Year!
There’s definitely a misconception that all accountants do is fill out tax returns and it’s true that when you start in business, it may well be all you need them to do. Plenty of people complete their own tax return, without using an accountant at all.

Tax Return Time… How To Pay Less (But You Need To Act FAST!)
Are you happy with the amount of tax you paid this year?
I know that might sound like a strange question – it’s not like many of us throw a party to celebrate handing over our hand-earned cash to HMRC!

What Wealthy People Know About Money … That Ordinary People Don’t!
Ultimately, being wealthy is much more to do with money mindset, your attitude to spending and what you DO with your money, than how much money you have.

Christmas = The Perfect Time To Figure Out What You REALLY Want. Here’s How!
I mean what you really want – in your life; in your business; your marriage; your friendships; your relationship with your children. There is literally no better opportunity to take some time away from the noise and bustle of our usual daily lives, to think about the deeper questions.

Mortgage Rates Have Doubled… Is It Still Worth Buying A House?
It could be said that when it comes to buying a house, the sale is over. Because those low interest rates that we’ve enjoyed for nearly 12 years are well and truly gone and they’re back up to the level where interest rates usually are.

How To Justify Splashing Out In Your Business!
With the financial climate right now – where the cost of everything seems to be going up, and we’ve become more price aware than ever before – sometimes it can feel difficult or even awkward, when you need to make a big purchase in your life or in your business.

How Foo Fighters + I Save Thousands On Travel & Big Holidays… And How YOU Can Too!
When I was a kid, everyone wanted to go to Disneyland.
I mean, when we were tiny, we were happy with the local park. And then we really wanted to go to Alton Towers – but ultimately Disneyland was the place to go. And as a kid, I never got to go.

Making Time To Take ACTION… Or Nothing Happens!
Carving out time to take action. It’s not always easy, is it?!
I know you don’t need me to tell you this… but ultimately, it doesn’t matter how good a plan is, or how brilliant an idea you have or how excited you feel when you learn or discover something new.

Airbnb vs Long Term Lets… Here’s How To Choose!
Owning rental property has always been a popular way to create an alternative income stream.
Let’s face it, no-one wants to have all their eggs in one basket, totally reliant on what they earn from their day job!

How To Be In Your Dream Home By Christmas!
The media will have you believe that nobody is moving house; that you can’t get a mortgage and that the housing market is stuck.
When actually – as a qualified financial adviser who deals with mortgages day in, day out – I can tell you nothing is further from the truth.

Your Business. It’s NOT All About You, You Know…
“The world doesn’t revolve around you, you know… ”
I bet a parent or grown up said that to you at some point, when you were a kid!
And I hate to say it, but they were right.

How Your Business Can Pay For Your Holiday!
Ok… so I don’t strictly mean ‘holiday’ here!
But if I said that you could come and spend 4 days in the sunshine, in a beautiful villa with a pool, enjoying amazing food and drink, spending time with other incredible women and having a laugh…
That sounds like a bit of a holiday, doesn’t it?

Pricing For Profit… How To KNOW How Much You Should Be Charging!
How do you know how much to charge for your products or services… so you have a profitable business, with enough margin that the money is there for you to get paid?

Try THIS Inspired Brainwave… To Make Your Big Goals Actually Happen!
You know when you have one of those brainwaves – and you have no idea WHY you didn’t think of it before?!
It’s exactly how I feel about something I implemented into the lives of my 1:1 clients, earlier this year.
It seems so obvious now but felt incredibly radical at the time (and if you’re anything like my clients, I think you’ll love it too!).
Let me explain…

Bought Online Courses You’ve Never Finished? Try This Instead!
There are always things that we think are a good idea at the time. We buy them, full of good intentions, but then for whatever reason we never actually get around to doing it.

Money Mindset… Getting The Expert Help You NEED!
When it comes to finance and money coaching, there are lots of different ways that you can approach it. From my point of view – although I would describe myself as a Money Coach or Wealth Mentor or Wealth Strategist – the bulk of the work that I do is simply working out what you want; working out where you are now; working out HOW to get you there in the future by breaking it down into logical steps; and then supporting you to take action on that.

{Money 101} #5 Simple Ways To Fix Your Money Stuff… Fast!
Today is all about Money 101. We’re looking at #5 key things for your business and personal finances, that are simple and quick to do… but make a MASSIVE difference.

Micro Milestones… The Secret To Getting To Where You REALLY Want To Be!
We’ve all got that picture of our dream life – that vision of where it is we want to be, and how we’d love for our life to look. Maybe (like me) you’ve got a vision board above your desk, filled with pictures of the things you’re working to create.
But I’m 100% certain that the things that you want, will be different to the things that I want.

Spending A Small Fortune On Presents?! Try THIS Instead!
Today I want to chat about how to stop spending getting out of control, because birthdays are – of course – a time for presents. The trouble is that now you’re earning so much more than you were, it’s easy to end up spending so much more money on ‘stuff’. And then you get to the end of the month or year and wonder where it’s all gone, with nothing much to really show for all your hard work.