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"But, I love my job, I'm not going to ever retire"

Does this sound like you?

If you're running an amazing business which you LOVE, then the old-fashioned view of retirement, just doesn't feel right, does it?

So it's time for a glimpse of something different - let's call it

"Modern Retirement Planning"

and you can pick up my FREE Guide - the "12 Numbers you need to know" by clicking the link below!

12 Numbers you need to know

Retirement doesn't always need to mean stopping work completely to sit in the garden or watch daytime TV.

Now that you've found the career you love, you may want to work as long as you are able - although you may choose to work 'less hard' as time goes on.

You may want to take on fewer clients, or take time out to travel and this will mean you need a way to top up your income in your new flexible retirement.

Claire Sweet

I'm Claire Sweet - as a Qualified Financial Adviser, I've helped successful women take control of their finances for over 14 years.

Find out more about Modern Retirement Planning and the

"12 Numbers you need to Understand"

with our FREE guide - so that you can create your flexible retirement, with money ready when you need it.