If you're a 40-something Business Owner with Little or No pension,
I'm going to show you HOW to create a retirement plan that works with the money you ALREADY make, to create LASTING Wealth so that you need NEVER worry about running out of money!
Woo-hoo!!! I’m so excited that NOW is the time for you to start turning that money you’re making into lasting wealth for you and your family.
I speak to lots of business owners, who enjoy what they do, run a successful business (and to the outside world look like they’ve got everything all together) but behind the social media facade one of the things that KEEPS popping into their head is
“OMG! I’m in my 40s and I REALLY need to start thinking about sorting this pension stuff”
And if this is you, you are not alone in this…
Despite the barrage of information now available online, the 1000s of YouTube clips and all the resources available to us in 2024, nearly 1 in 4 (24%) of those aged 40-75 have no pension provision…
(except potentially the State Pension… if they have enough qualifying years)
And at age 55 a SCARY 17% of people STILL have NO pensions at all…

So why on earth not?
In my 15 years as a Financial Adviser, and someone who is trusted to look after more than £7.48million client assets in regulated funds I generally find there are TWO main reasons that people PUT OFF their retirement planning:
They think Financial Advisers are not for ‘people like them’ and in their head have a picture of a bloke in a suit that is going to either talk down to them, or confuse them with long words and jargon into signing up to something they don’t understand
They don’t see it as urgent. There are ALWAYS other things that seem to take priority and retirement is AGES away yet… and I LOVE my job… and I’m not sure what I’m doing... or where to go for help… so it gets put off for another day.
But the PROBLEM is that none of us are getting any younger and if you don’t get things in place NOW you’re going to struggle to have enough to live on as you get older… let alone have enough for a comfortable lifestyle that lets you enjoy your free time doing things that make you smile with the people that you care most about.
That's why I created PATHWAY
It’s specially designed for 40+ business owners with little or no pension
Who want to create a retirement plan that works with the money they ALREADY make to create LASTING wealth so that NEVER need to worry about running out of money!
Doesn’t that sound AMAZING??!!
This is a 1-2-1 / group hybrid experience that for the FIRST time brings together the work I do as a Financial Adviser with the Wealth Strategy and ongoing support you NEED so you can ACTUALLY get your Retirement Planning DONE.
I’m going to give you the KNOWLEDGE you need, the STRATEGIES that work AND hold your HAND whilst you take ACTION – done in my friendly, supportive way where you feel comfortable to ask your questions and get ACCURATE and clearly explained answers.
It’s called PATHWAY – because that’s what I’m going to do… hold your hand as you move through my signature framework that until now has ONLY been available to my 1-2-1 clients.
It’s simple, logical and broken down into bite-sized chunks so that you can SEE your progress towards your goal AND avoid feeling overwhelmed by the task ahead of you.
So who am I, and why should you join me in this?
Hi, I’m Claire
I’m an award-winning Financial Adviser, Money Coach and Best-selling Author but more than that, I've got a GIFT for explaining complicated concepts in a way that ordinary people understand...So that topics like:
- How to use different investment strategies to grow your money
- How to create lasting wealth, whilst paying LESS tax
- How to free up more disposable income each month by looking at HOW you take money from your business and when (and by making some key mindset shifts with how you use your money at home)
- Improving your quality of life and having more FUN with your money
So that you can REALLY understand your choices, IMPLEMENT the bits that are relevant and finally cross so MANY things off your financial to-do list.
I’m here to be that person you can TRUST to answer the questions about managing your money that you just can't find your OWN answer to (no matter how long you spend on Google).
Questions like:
- How do you manage more money as your business continues to grow?
- What do you do with the surplus in your bank accounts?
- How much to leave just sitting there in reserve, is it safe doing nothing?
And other things that as we speak, you haven’t yet realised that you don’t know…..
...but might end up being CRUCIAL to you creating the peace of mind around finances and your future planning that you're looking for.
But I must warn you…
If all you want is cuddles and consolation, and someone to wave a magic wand, I’m not the Money Coach that you need!
'This is about equipping you with a financial ideology that you can use to create intergenerational wealth for decades into the future…'
So that your family can continue to benefit from the business and income you’ve created, long after you’re gone.
Once you’ve set it all up and your money is properly working for you, it only takes a little regular maintenance and occasional tweaks to keep you on track.
You’ll see your money grow, your confidence soar and your NET WORTH increase year on year.
And you’ll be truly free to live the life you love…
You’ll no longer feel compelled to make MORE money, or like you’re on the back foot when it comes to your financial decisions. And you'll have things in place that mean that you're not financially dependent on your next launch or the number of clients you sign this month.
You’ll KNOW that your money is working for you and that your financial loose ends have been dealt with and have a sense of peace and calm when your accountant talks to you about the numbers in your business - because you UNDERSTAND where it all fits into your long-term wealth strategy.
You need a financial expert who GETS your dreams and goals
(someone who is an entrepreneur and understands what it is really like to run a modern business)
And is dedicated to helping you grow your personal wealth!!
Six and a half years ago, I moved to my dream home, so that we could live in the countryside and have alpacas in our garden. It wasn't just 'something that happened' we needed a clearly mapped out plan that would get us from our suburban house with a postage stamp garden into a home, with land and the facilities to bring our vision to life.
I work a 4 day week, supported by my INCREDIBLE team so that I can focus on what I do best
Encouraging people to take the ACTION they need, to make things HAPPEN
and I earn more than I ever thought possible - doing something that I LOVE every day. O.K. maybe EVERY day is a bit of an exaggeration - all businesses have their ups and downs, but the sense of satisfaction I get when my CLIENTS succeed EASILY trumps those moments when we ALL wonder 'why on earth we gave up that well-paying salaried job'
While my wealth continues to grow on autopilot, I have set about sharing my learnings with other entrepreneurs - just like YOU!
But I’m definitely different from other money coaches and financial professionals that you’ve encountered so far.
I’m one of the FEW Money Coaches you’ll find who is also a fully qualified Financial Adviser who is CURRENTLY running a thriving business - which means that you know that the things I share with you are both accurate and relevant in the modern world of finance (which changes so quickly!) I complete at least 35h of CPD a year to keep up to date whereas some other money coaches have got knowledge from PAST work in finance or are just showing you what worked for them, which might mean strategies which haven’t worked since 1992!
And this is not stuff that your accountant can help you with - it’s not their area of expertise, and your business coach is amazing at helping you MAKE more money, but not equipped to show you what to do with the money you’ve made!
Here’s a glimpse into the wealth-building success that some of my clients have experienced:
Catherine’s Story:
Tax Cuts and a House in the Country
I chose to work with Claire as I really wanted to focus on creating a regular income from the business and get all my financial loose ends tied up.
She showed us how to draw our business income in a more tax efficient way meaning that although my husband and I continued to draw the same income each month, we gained an extra £400 a month which meant I was able to finally get a pension set up and use this money for our future (rather than paying it as tax to HMRC)
I was also able to simultaneously reduce my company’s tax bill further by putting the things in place to provide the money to complete my children’s private education if anything terrible happened to me (or my business partner husband).
But best of all we were able to structure our business income so that we could buy our dream home just 6 months after we started working with Claire.
During one session, I made a throwaway comment about wanting to buy a house in the country but that we could never borrow enough to make the purchase... and Claire showed us how to do it without needing to increase our earnings further… 6 months later we were in our dream home.
Mary’s Story:
Work less, Travel More & Retire Early
Having run a busy business for many years I knew it was time to reduce my client load and start to take more time off to travel and enjoy time with my family, but just couldn’t see how that would work financially without me giving up doing all the things in my free time that I love.
Working together we created a workable plan to reduce my client facing time to 3 working days per week and calculated that if my wealth continues to grow at the same rate, then I can stop working completely at 50 and have enough income to last until I’m 94!
And now it is your turn...
So let me tell you more about the PATHWAY experience and why THIS is the thing you’ve been looking for.
Here’s what we cover:
We’re going to work step by step through the PATHWAY which is broken down into THREE subsections.
1. Foundation Stage.
It’s time to get CLEAR on how much money you need to live on now, and how much you’ll need in retirement… and then get some systems in place so that you FEEL better about your money.
Using my ROCK Solid ® Framework, we’ll get clear on what your dream retirement looks like and then map out the component steps to get you there, building on what you’ve already got in place.
I’ll show you HOW to find additional money to put towards your retirement goals and you’ll be EXCITED to see what is possible for YOU…even if you’re starting from zero and we’ll take the first steps towards building a pot of assets for your future.
2. Business Stability
I’m going to show you how to reduce your tax bill AND free up money that can be used towards your retirement planning in a way that actually makes SENSE and provides the flexibility that you need as your income changes.
I’ll show you HOW to break the link between what you earn and the sales you make and how to USE this to re-invest back into your business, without overspending and to get on top of your cashflow.
And we’re going to work on BOOSTING your profit too… as more PROFIT means more money for you to use as YOU wish… whether that’s to BOOST your quality of life now, to BOOST your retirement pot…or BOTH!
3. Perpetual Income
Now is where things get EVEN more exciting!!! We’ll work through YOUR Strategic Wealth plan, plugging in the numbers that mean that for probably the FIRST time you’ll know EXACTLY how big your retirement pot needs to be… and be able to identify the GAP that needs to be filled.
Now we’re going to go into more depth on the TYPES of investments that can be used to create a modern retirement plan, and how by COMBINING more than one, you could create a TAX-FREE retirement income of £50k a year or more…
I’m also going to show you how to ELIMINATE your personal tax bill within 6 years by structuring your portfolio to maximise the tax-allowances we all have… freeing up EVEN more money to be INVESTED for your future
(which has GOT to be better than paying it to HMRC as tax).
Here’s how you and I will work together to make this happen:
My best clients work with me for the long term, usually 12 months or longer. They like to have me available for questions and have the ongoing accountability and support to take ACTION.
So I’ve specifically designed this experience to maintain MOMENTUM, give RESULTS and get the PATHWAY completed over SIX months, with the OPTION to then continue in the Wealth Action Club for ongoing support from month 6 onwards on a rolling basis (with no tie in).
You’ll get the opportunity to BOLT-on this upgrade on the thank you page… and will then be charged £100 a month from the END of your 6 month pathway experience – you’ll LOCK in at this price now, so that EVEN when the price increases, your payment will be at the current rate.
If you don’t select the upgrade, you’ll be offered it towards the END of your PATHWAY experience, but then will pay whatever the current rate is at that point.
What does that LOOK like?
The System: You’ll progress through the PATHWAY framework (a series of short videos and exercises each typically taking 5-15 minutes to complete) each designed so that you can implement as you go and can make timely progress through the framework. You’ll hit milestones throughout the programme and be able to get feedback and sense-checks on the important steps in creating your Strategic Wealth plan.
The Support: We typically have live calls twice a week for 3 weeks each month, then 1 ‘Get it done’ week where you have time to catch up and implement.
Our call times are on Monday 12-2pm and Wednesday 4-5.30pm GMT/BST.
This is your opportunity to troubleshoot challenges, be held accountable and get help on anything you need (including the opportunity to share your question privately so you don’t need to share more than you feel comfortable doing)
My clients tell me they come to calls with one problem and end up solving several other problems just by listening to other group members. You’ll learn so many things you didn’t know you needed to know.
As well as me, we have 2 resident experts in PATHWAY:
- Money Mindset Coach, Abi, provides resources and runs pop up Q&A sessions to support you with the mindset changes needed to grow your wealth and avoid sabotaging your success.
- Accountant and Xero Ninja, Nicole, offers support to help you pay less tax and understand how the profit in your business works.
If you need deeper support, we’ll hop on a 20 min 1-1 call so you can always move forward. I offer unlimited 1-1 support and I truly love this level of connection with my clients.
The Community: During our 6 month partnership, you’ll be a part of the Wealth Action Club, my private Facebook Community, surrounded by other ACTION takers, all passionate about GROWING their wealth, creating financial SECURITY and having FUN with their money.
Our community is a vibrant and engaging place to be. People who genuinely want to see each other’s success, champion each other on and then celebrate their wins with each other. It’s such a great group, I wish I’d set it up years ago!
Our community is primarily made up of business owners who are already successful in their own right. They’re ambitious, motivated and show up to do the work. Many clients tell me the calibre of people around them allows them to realise that others are in a similar boat! They FEEL supported and love to see what others have achieved so they know what is really possible.
What's the investment?
The investment for our 6 month partnership in PATHWAY is £2383 and you can pay upfront in one payment or with a payment plan over 6 months at £397.
WHAT – HOW much???
No that is NOT a typo… this is an INCREDIBLE price – given the tangible result and outstanding level of support given.
There is no additional cost to pay in monthly installments – I understand that for cash-flow reasons, paying monthly might feel better for you – but by signing up you are committing to make ALL six payments on time, or to receive an invoice for the remaining portion which will be due to settled in full in 7 days.
If you have added the Wealth Action Club upgrade, then your first payment of £100 will be taken SIX months after your initial payment to join PATHWAY is made.
How do I join PATHWAY?
I have an allocation of spots to start each month so that no-one ever feels like they are 'behind' and because I accept that you have a life beyond your business - you can reserve your place now and start next month if you prefer.
I need to make sure that I'm filling PATHWAY with people who I feel can TRULY get the BEST benefit from it…
So there is a short, confidential induction form for you to complete on the THANK YOU page… which will take you less than 5 minutes to do.
This means that if we've not previously spoken about working together and it turns out that PATHWAY is NOT the best way for us to work together right now- I'll refund your payment and we'll discuss other ways to move forward.
Click THE BUTTON below to GRAB your spot whilst you can!
I’m SO EXCITED to have you part of this!