How Your Business Can Pay For Your Holiday!

Ok… so I don’t strictly mean ‘holiday’ here!

But if I said that you could come and spend 4 days in the sunshine, in a beautiful villa with a pool, enjoying amazing food and drink, spending time with other incredible women and having a laugh…

That sounds like a bit of a holiday, doesn’t it?

Sounds blissful, actually!

And when we throw in deep-dive training workshops and some 1:1 sessions, suddenly that holiday becomes a powerful wealth retreat. Which is exactly what I’m holding in Lanzarote in June 2024.

The great thing is that because this is a training event, it’s fully allowable as a business expense, because as a business owner you’re allowed to claim for your own training and development.

Of course, it’s up to you to decide what training and development looks like for you and what you’re going to include.

It might be someone to help you with your marketing or Facebook ads. It might be that you want to work with an energy healer or a mindset coach.

Or you might decide that this is the year that you’re finally going to take control and get your financial stuff sorted!

Now I know you’ve probably got an accountant already. You’re diligently filing your tax returns and maybe VAT returns, and you’re compliant with all the financial stuff required when it comes to your business.

But is money exciting for you?

Are you enjoying running your business, knowing that this is the gateway to you creating the future you really want?

And if you’re NOT feeling that way right now… could it be because you’ve not taken the time out of your busy life to sit and look at where you want to be headed financially, and what it is you’re actually aiming for? What it is you’re working all these hours for?

Because I get it! Life is busy.

We don’t get time to do everything that’s on our to-do list and that’s why I’m such a fan of in person things like VIP days and retreat-style events. Because it gives you dedicated time to focus on the stuff that’s important but doesn’t feel urgent – until something happens and it does become urgent. And suddenly, you wish you’d got round to sorting it out ages ago.

Now, I’ve been on several retreats over the years, both in the UK and abroad. I’ve always got amazing value out of them, from the content we cover and the course material or learning.

BUT the real power lies in the connections that I’ve made; the friendships and business relationships that have lasted years after the retreat has ended. And those little ‘aha’ moments when you least expect them, like when you’re chatting in the queue for the bathroom or making a cup of tea.

When someone says something and you get those flashes of insight and clarity, and everything in your life or business changes… which I’m sure you’ll agree are priceless!

Of course, if you’d love to go on any kind of retreat or training event, there’s got to be the money there to pay for it.

When you’re looking at the money coming in and out of your business each month, we’ve all got expenses and things we pay for regularly. But are you putting money aside each month to pay for the bigger things you’d really love to do? For your own training and development? For a Christmas party for you and your team? For the bigger expenses that pop up once a year?

Stuff like this is SO important. They’re the things that help move you forward in a way that is really quite unexpected, because it’s all about connection.

Like if your team is remote and you popped some money away throughout the year, so you could afford to bring everyone together at Christmas – to put everyone up in a lovely hotel and spend the evening having dinner and drinks together – can you imagine the impact that would have for your business? The deeper relationships it would build? The loyalty it would create? The fun you’d have together?

Ultimately, business is about connecting with people and building relationships. And whether you’re doing that with other business owners, your team or with your clients, THIS is the thing that leads to success.

So let me tell you a little bit more about the Lanzarote wealth retreat! 

It’s called ‘Sun, Sea & Success’ and it’s happening from 7th – 12th June 2024. Get the full details here!

Basically, you’ll spend 4 sun-filled days working on your own personal wealth strategy. We’ll cover things like wealth creation; growing your business and boosting your profit; investment strategies and portfolio management; property and modern retirement…

A blend of wealth workshops and 1:1 sessions, with plenty of time to implement, reflect and chill out in the sunshine.

You’ll leave with your completely bespoke wealth plan, to get to where you really want to be in 2024 and beyond, AND you’ll already have started to take action it.

This is not one of those events where your days are crammed and you get home feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, with a massive to-do list that sits there gathering dust!

Oh and did I mention there’s a private chef?

And a professional photographer, with the chance to get some branding photos done while you’re there for your website and social media?

Beautiful food; a beautiful villa; a beautiful pool; on a beautiful island… with an incredible group of like-minded women. It’s going to be amazing!

And we’ve worked hard to make it much more affordable than you might think too, with an extended payment plan available.

Here’s the link again with all the retreat details and to book now (if you have questions or need any more info, just send me a message here and we can always chat it through).

Because I mean really… if your business can pay for you to have an amazing time away AND help you seriously grow your wealth, why wouldn’t you?!

Until next time,


There are TWO main ways to work with me right now

Pathway-your route to a fun-filled & secure retirement

A 6 month 1-2-1 / group hybrid experience combining supported self-study with ongoing support and accountability to take action and move towards your goals.

Designed for people who prefer a little more hand-holding and are keen to build a fun-filled and secure retirement


The Wealth Action Club

Join us to take ACTION on your wealth stuff in a fun & vibrant accountability-based membership, with no long tie-in.

Join me for regular small group Q&A and a place to ask your everyday money questions where you KNOW you'll get easy to follow, sensible strategies from an EXPERT that you trust.